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Sickness in Rabbits

A healthy rabbit makes an excellent pet. Your bunny, like other pets, has to be looked after in order to avoid significant health problems. Regular visits to the veterinarian and nutritious food will help your bunny stay healthy and happy, but keep an eye out for symptoms that he or she is ill.

What Makes Rabbits Sick?

Rabbits, like most pets, can become ill for a variety of causes. They could be exposed to pathogens, eat something poisonous, be genetically inclined to a disease, or suffer from other factors. Rabbits tend to hide signs of diseases since they are at the bottom of the food chain. They run the risk of becoming prey if they show signs of frailty. Of course, your pet is unlikely to be eaten, but you must keep a close eye on it to spot early warning signals.

Reduced energy and appetite: Rabbits show two distinct indicators of illness: reduced energy (or lethargy) and reduced appetite for food and drink. These are general symptoms that could suggest a variety of ailments. Keep track of your rabbit's food and water consumption because it's a quick method to see whether he or she is sick.

Stools that aren't there or are excessive: When a rabbit stops eating, it develops a condition known as rabbit gastrointestinal stasis (RGIS). This causes everything in the digestive tract to slow down, and the bunny to cease pooping. GI stasis can be caused by a lack of appetite, a lack of fiber, dental problems, or a secondary illness like liver disease or cancer. Diarrhea or loose stools might also indicate a problem, indicating a parasite or bacterial infection.

Bunnies are famed for keeping themselves clean, however, they have bad grooming habits. As a result, any symptoms that the rabbit hasn't been cleaning itself, such as feces-stained paws or matted fur, indicate that the rabbit is sick. Drooling, slobby, or missing hair on the creature's head or neck are additional signs of illness, maybe dental disease. Additionally, dandruff, total fur loss, or a scaly coat can indicate an infection that is communicable to other animals or even people, as in the case of Cheyletiella parasitovorax, sometimes known as "the walking dandruff mite."

Symptoms of cold in rabbits: Because rabbits can only breathe via their noses, upper respiratory tract sickness is a severe health issue. If your rabbit appears to be suffering from a cold, with symptoms such as nasal discharge, sneezing, coughing, and breathing problems, particularly open-mouth breathing, it should be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

The tilt of the head: If your rabbit's head is tilting to one side, one eye appears to be experiencing problems, or the rabbit has poor coordination, it could be suffering from a sudden onset of head tilt, which is a malfunction of the system that maintains the rabbit's balance.


The treatment that a veterinarian recommends will be determined by the rabbit's condition. Keep your rabbit hydrated and warm while you seek care. Water or soft meals (applesauce or baby food) in a syringe can help. Your veterinarian may recommend prescription medication to treat your rabbit's condition, depending on the circumstances. With rabbits, illness can strike quickly, so make sure you have a vet that specializes in rabbits. Rabbits, like other pets, should be seen by a veterinarian at least once a year until they reach the age of four when they should be seen every six months.

How to Stay Away from Illnesses

It's not fully possible to keep rabbits healthy. Prevention is a good thing to do. Feed them a nutritious meal, keep their habitat clean and caring, and avoid severe temperatures. It's just as crucial to touch their bodies as it is to keep an eye on their behavior for any ailments. Your hands will alert you to any changes in your body's state, and you will be able to detect tumors or injuries early on. It doesn't take as long as you may expect. Rabbits respond fast to physical attention, and you'll become accustomed to caring for them.

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