Did you know, the world's first Thanksgiving was extended to 3 days, about 280 million turkeys were consumed on Thanksgiving day...?
In the United States, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.
The Pilgrims of Plymouth were the first to celebrate Thanksgiving.
The world's first Thanksgiving was extended to 3 days.
Thanksgiving Day officially became a national holiday in 1941.
Pilgrims do not use forks, they eat with spoons, knives, and fingers.
Although Thanksgiving is considered an American holiday, the day is also celebrated in Canada on the second Monday in October.
In the US, about 280 million turkeys are consumed during Thanksgiving.
Fossil evidence shows that turkeys appeared in the Americas 10 million years ago.
Columbus thought that the land he discovered was connected with India, where there was a lot of work. And he believed that the turkey was a peacock (actually a turkey was a pheasant). So he named them "tuka", which means "peacock" in the Tamil language of the Indians.
The turkey was one of the first animals in the Americas to be domesticated.
91% of Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
More than 40 million servings of green bean casserole are served on Thanksgiving.
The turkey's collarbone is used in a Thanksgiving good-luck ritual.
A turkey in a state of panic can run at speeds of up to 20 miles per hour.
According to the American Automobile Association, an estimated 42.2 million people in the US drive at least 50 miles to get to their location during Thanksgiving each year.
According to the survey, each Thanksgiving meal costs an average of about $50 for a family of about 10, or $5 per person. Therefore, Thanksgiving often has a lot of leftovers because the amount of food is cooked in large quantities.
Minnesota is considered the top turkey-producing state in the US.
About 20% of cranberries are consumed in the US each year on Thanksgiving Day.
Since Harry Truman, every president has pardoned a turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
In the United States there are three places named after this Thanksgiving: Turkey, Texas; Turkey Creek, La; and Turkey, N.C. There are also nine American towns named "Turkey," with three cities in Kansas.